Tuesday 28 September 2021

File formats

 File formats - Examples

JPEG - A file format that compresses images. Saving an image as a JPEG will reduce the size of the file, resulting in some of the images data being lost.

When to use a JPEG - If you want to share your images online, a JPEG will compress the image size, and it will still have a fair amount of detail.

TIFF - A file format that stores a large amount of graphics images. It keeps all detail in your images. This kind of file is popular among graphic artists, publishers, and photographers.

When to use a TIFF - When you want to keep as much detail and information in your image as you can, a TIFF file is recommended.

PSD - A PSD file stands for a Photoshop Document. This file format can support layers of graphics in a single file. If you edit an image in photoshop, and save it as a PSD, you won't be able to view the changes to your images. 

When to use a PSD - Like a TIFF, if you want to keep all the detail in your image, you can also save it as a PSD, but you won't be able to view your changes to the image.

RAW - Can be referred to as a " Digital Negative ". This file format is named a RAW file because they are not yet processed, and therefore they aren't ready to be printed or edited. Also known as a " Camera raw image ".

Tuesday 21 September 2021

What is "New Media Art" ?

New Media Art is made up of different techniques such as; Film, Video, Photography, Lens based media, Digital Technology,  Hypertext, Cyberspace, Audio Technology,  CD ROMS, Webcams etc. 

The plural meaning of  "Media"  is Medium.  Historical Media is work that relates to paintings, or sculptures. 

The new technological developments challenged painting and sculpture, making these two techniques become less popular in the world of Media. 

Camera Obscura is what contributed to the new developments of the new media.

FLUXUS artists including visual artists, writers, film makers, and musicians explored technological advances in film and video to create multi media artworks encompassing film, video and performance. 

Cubist - Is an artist who transforms natural shapes into exaggerated geometrical ones. Abstraction - Doesn't look normal, has a unique appearance, artistic. Futurist - Is someone who studies the future and makes predictions about it based on current trends.

New technology contributions can be - Drones, Robots, Go - Pros.

New terms learnt - Encompassing - meaning includes/comprehending.

Obsolescence - Is the process  of becoming obsolete or outdated and no longer in use. This relates to historical and new media art because new media art has made historical Media become obsolete/outdated.

Monday 13 September 2021

Mandy Barker

Mandy Barker

Mandy Barker is a British Photography, who is known for working with marine plastic debris. She has worked alongside scientists to bring more awareness to the large amount of plastic that is floating around in our oceans today.

The image to the left here is a photo out of her series called "Soup". The images in this series all show the numerous number of plastics that she and other scientists found in our oceans. The layout of all of these plastics can almost be compared to what looks like an image out of space, due to the black background, with all the many different coloured plastics within the image. 

The same can be said with this image too, although there's a larger amount of plastic in this photo, which contains all sorts of different sizes and shapes. The image here is still a part of the "Soup" series that Mandy Barker created, and all of the images in the series- like shown in these two here- show us the disturbing reality of just how much plastic we potentially have in our oceans.

In Mandy Barker's series "Soup", we can relate many of these images to the idea of " Fragmented Time ". This term meaning a moment in time, that shows everything happening in a split second. The images in this series all show this term, due to the large amounts of plastic being captured in a moment. These images show us the frightening truth of just how much plastic we could have in our oceans, since the amounts of plastic debris in these images only show the smallest effect of what human waste can do to our planet. 

Contact sheet shoot 4