Tuesday 21 September 2021

What is "New Media Art" ?

New Media Art is made up of different techniques such as; Film, Video, Photography, Lens based media, Digital Technology,  Hypertext, Cyberspace, Audio Technology,  CD ROMS, Webcams etc. 

The plural meaning of  "Media"  is Medium.  Historical Media is work that relates to paintings, or sculptures. 

The new technological developments challenged painting and sculpture, making these two techniques become less popular in the world of Media. 

Camera Obscura is what contributed to the new developments of the new media.

FLUXUS artists including visual artists, writers, film makers, and musicians explored technological advances in film and video to create multi media artworks encompassing film, video and performance. 

Cubist - Is an artist who transforms natural shapes into exaggerated geometrical ones. Abstraction - Doesn't look normal, has a unique appearance, artistic. Futurist - Is someone who studies the future and makes predictions about it based on current trends.

New technology contributions can be - Drones, Robots, Go - Pros.

New terms learnt - Encompassing - meaning includes/comprehending.

Obsolescence - Is the process  of becoming obsolete or outdated and no longer in use. This relates to historical and new media art because new media art has made historical Media become obsolete/outdated.

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